Lent, or a journey towards Easter begins today. It's Ash Wednesday.
For our journey towards Easter, we will be publishing a daily version of the popular Five Letter Word game that has influenced our current Sermon Series.
Check in daily, on our website, on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, to view the word clue.
(Scroll down for more instructions...)
How to Follow Along
Based on the game, Wordle, recently purchased by the New York Times, we will give you a starting word. Today's starting word is Jesus - always the right place to start.
The color code shows you if the letters in the starting word are part of the daily answer word. Read the scripture that we have given you, in the translation provided, to look for possible five letter answer words.
These letters do not appear at all in the answer word.
These letters are in the answer word, but not in the correct position (in this case the letters E and S in Jesus are in the answer word - but they are not in the correct location).
These letters are in the correct location in the answer word (in this case, the S at the end of Jesus would be the correct last letter in the answer word).
Stay Connected
Each day we will post the starting word, a scripture reference, and translation.
The answer from each day will become the starting word for the next day (you can check back tomorrow to make sure you found the correct Five Letter Word).